About Us
We are independent consultants who service clients in the fields of data governance, compliance, risk management, accounting, and actuarial services.

Inger worked in shipping for 8 years in the fields of accounting and financial management before moving to Bermuda.
For the next 11 years she worked in fund management and hedge fund administration in senior management roles.
After working as a consultant for 3 years in the fields of finance and change management she worked for 4 years in compliance for an investment company.
The last 4 years she has worked as a consultant in the fields of governance, compliance, risk management, business analysis and change management.
Professional Qualifications & Certifications
Professional Qualifications
MScBus - Master of Science in Business from the Norwegian School of Management (Bedriftsokonomisk Institutt)
MBA-ITM - MBA Information Technology Management from Athabasca University
CISA - ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor
CDPSE - ISACA Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer
CRISC - ISACA Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control
CIPP\E - IAPP Certified Information Privacy Profession
CICD - IoD Certificate in Company Direction
Corporate Procedures from the Bermuda Branch of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Canada.

Professional Qualifications
Professional Qualifications
Professional Qualifications
Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK)
Associate of the Society of Actuaries (USA)
Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (USA)
Member of the International Actuarial Association (Brussels)
Member of the Caribbean Actuarial Association (Barbados).
After qualifying as an actuary in the UK, John came to Bermuda in 1977 with American International Group and gained six years of experience in the US insurance and reinsurance fields. For the next six years he worked for a consulting operation formed by Conning of Hartford, Connecticut. John has been the sole proprietor of Abbott Associates, an independent actuarial consulting firm since 1989. In 1993 Abbott Associates signed a client referral agreement with the Boston office of a US actuarial consultancy, retaining independence but acquiring access to international resources. During the past ten years John has formed a strategic alliance with a consulting actuary based in Washington DC, Prof. Douglas A. Eckley PhD, FSA, MAAA. He is a well-known professor at George Mason University and he has worked with John on several large assignments.
Hamilton, Bermuda
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